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What is Maths on the Move?
You know the saying ‘it does what it says on the tin’? Well, that’s Maths on the Move. It’s doing maths whilst on the move.
Of course there’s a whole lot more to say about this innovative programme designed by teachers for teachers; but the concept is that simple.
What does Maths on the Move cover?
The programme covers all learning outcomes of the maths curriculum for KS1 & KS2
How can your school use Maths on the Move?
Enhanced academic achievement
Did you know that after 2 years of physically active learning, a child could be 4 months ahead in maths and spelling in comparison to seated learning?
There’s no shortage of research that supports the use of long-term physically active learning. A study looking into the effects of physical activity on academic achievement found the impact to be strongest in maths, yet all academic subjects were proven to benefit.
Improved attention
Physical activity has a significant impact on the focus of an individual. You may be thinking, surely getting pupils up and moving during a lesson is the opposite of keeping them on task? In fact, introducing movement into the classroom is a way of doing just that.
Research from East Carolina University found that pupils who undertook a one 10-minute energizer physical activity break daily for 12 weeks demonstrated a higher frequency of on-task behaviours.
it’s no secret that children tend to be bundles of energy, so it makes sense hat if this energy is suppressed behavioural problems can occur.
More opportunity to move
Childhood obesity; one of the most serious public health challenges of the 21st century as regarded by the world health organisation.
Its increased prevalence is alarming; date from the national child measurement programme shows one in five 10-11 year olds and one in ten reception aged children are classed as obese, the rates increase to a third and a fifth respectively if those children who are overweight are included.
“The children have loved having Club Sport to deliver Maths on the Move this term. The children we selected have really benefitted and their results, especially confidence have improved massively. The active nature of the lessons has also given children previously disengaged with maths a new love for the subject!”
Clare Frost
Jubilee Wood Primary School
“Club Sport have been delivering Maths on the Move for us to three target groups since the end of September. His sessions are engaging and the children in these groups are making good progress, the impact for some children has been huge!”
Louise Long
Ibstone CE Primary School
Club Sport, Devonshire House
Cliveden Office Village, Lancaster Road,
High Wycombe, HP12 3YZ
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